Event Category: Hochschule
Gifted by Weiss, F. to the Hochschule in 1906
Gifted by Weiss, D. to the Hochschule in 1911
Gifted by Weiss to the Hochschule in 1893
Gifted by Weinstein, Nachman Isaac to the Hochschule in 1891
Gifted by Weil, Gotthold Elyakim to the Hochschule in 1913
Gifted by Weil, Gotthold Elyakim to the Hochschule in 1912
Gifted by Weil, Gotthold Elyakim to the Hochschule in 1905
Gifted by Wassermann, Oscar to the Hochschule in 1909
Gifted by Wassermann, Oscar to the Hochschule in 1910
Gifted by Wassermann, Oscar to the Hochschule in 1913
Gifted by Wassermann, Oscar to the Hochschule in 1912
Gifted by Walter, Gotthilf to the Hochschule in 1900
Gifted by Vorsteheramt der Israeliten in Kassel to the Hochschule in 1909
Gifted by Vorstand des Wohltätigkeitsvereins der Synagogengemeinde Hannover to the Hochschule in 1913
Gifted by Vorstand des Rabbinerverbandes in Deutschland to the Hochschule in 1913