Featured | Title | Author / Editor | Published By | Event(s) | State | Today’s Owner | Signature | Editing State | ||||
27916 | Zur babylonischen und assyrischen Grammatik | Ylvisaker, Sigurd Christian, 1884-1959 | 1912 | Unknown | 6 | Resurfaced | Jewish Museum of Prague | 46.041: 157.762 | Unknown | Complete | 2024-10-16 | |
27918 | Studien zum B’eštschen Hasidismus | Ysander, Torsten, 1893-1960 | 1933 | Unknown | 6 | Resurfaced | Jewish Museum of Prague | 26.719a: 148.160 | Unknown | Complete | 2024-10-16 | |
27914 | Sefer pesach leji le-r. Chajim ben Meir Gabej | Yaari, Avraham | 1933 | Unknown | 6 | Resurfaced | Jewish Museum of Prague | SP 2269: | Unknown | Complete | 2024-10-16 | |
27915 | Über die Unechtheit des samaritanischen Josuabuches | Yahuda, A. S. 1877-1951 | 1908 | Unknown | 6 | Resurfaced | Jewish Museum of Prague | 23.647b: 164.268 | Unknown | Complete | 2024-10-16 | |
27912 | Kontras ha-hagadot | Yaari, Avraham | 1930 | Unknown | 6 | Resurfaced | Jewish Museum of Prague | SP 2371: | Unknown | Complete | 2024-10-16 | |
27913 | Maliajim le-bibliografija šel ha-sifrut ha-jafa ve-ivrit | Yaari, Avraham | 1929 | Unknown | 6 | Resurfaced | Jewish Museum of Prague | SP 2581: | Unknown | Complete | 2024-10-16 | |
27910 | Ha-sifrut ha-chakla´it be-ivrit | Yaari, Avraham | 1931 | Unknown | 6 | Resurfaced | Jewish Museum of Prague | SP 2517: | Unknown | Complete | 2024-10-16 | |
27906 | Xenophontis Institutio Cyri | Xenofón, ca 426-ca 357 př. Kr. | 1824 | Unknown | 6 | Resurfaced | Jewish Museum of Prague | 61.169: 66/17.468 | Unknown | Complete | 2024-10-16 | |
27908 | Sämmtliche Schriften, 1. Teil | Xenophon | 1778 | Unknown | 6 | Resurfaced | Jewish Museum of Prague | SP 0510: 66/22.065 | Unknown | Complete | 2024-10-16 | |
27904 | Die Sagen vom Lebensbaum und Lebenswasser | Wünsche, August, 1839-1913 | 1905 | Unknown | 6 | Resurfaced | Jewish Museum of Prague | 32.437a: 134.079 | Unknown | Complete | 2024-10-16 | |
27905 | Die semitischen Menschennamen in griechischen Inschriften und Papyri des Vorderen Orients | Wuthnow Heinz | 1930 | Unknown | 6 | Resurfaced | Jewish Museum of Prague | 23.252: 134.100 | Unknown | Complete | 2024-10-16 | |
27901 | Für die Echtheit vom Dekalog und vom Vaterunser | Wulff Parchim Ludwig | 1908 | Unknown | 6 | Resurfaced | Jewish Museum of Prague | 23.552: 134.229 | Unknown | Complete | 2024-10-16 | |
27903 | Salomos Thron und Hipposrom | Wünsche, August | 1906 | Unknown | 6 | Resurfaced | Jewish Museum of Prague | 24.406: 135.864 | Unknown | Complete | 2024-10-16 | |
27899 | Catalogue of Syriac manuscripts in the British Museum, acquired since the year 1838. | Wright, William, 1830-1889 | 1870 | Unknown | 6 | Resurfaced | Jewish Museum of Prague | 51.922/1: 162.222 | Unknown | Complete | 2024-10-16 | |
27897 | Contributions to the Apocryphat Literature of the New Testament… | Wright W. | 1865 | Unknown | 6 | Resurfaced | Jewish Museum of Prague | 43.722: 155.121 | Unknown | Complete | 2024-10-16 |