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Title Author / Editor Published By Event(s) State Today’s Owner Signature Editing State Featured
1820 Novus Thesaurus Philologico-Criticus. Sive Lexicon in LXX et Reliquos Interpretes Graecos ac Scriptores Apocryphos Veteris Testamenti. 5 Volumes Weidmannsche Buchhandlung 0 Resurfaced Leo Baeck College Library, London 2025-02-04 by Felix Tsapir (Felix Tzapir) 2025-03-24 35881
1909 Celebration of the Twentieth Anniversary of the Founding of the Cambridge Hebrew Congregation. Proceedings in Cambridge and London, March 1909 Cambridge University Press 0 Resurfaced Leo Baeck College Library, London 2025-02-04 by Felix Tsapir (Felix Tzapir) 2025-03-24 35882
1890 Verwaltungsbericht des Vorstandes der Synagogengemeinde zu Magdeburg Unknown 0 Resurfaced Leo Baeck College Library, London 2025-03-20 by Valentina Kalanyos  2025-03-24 35984
1919 Der Heilige Weg Literarische Anstalt (J. Rütten) 0 Resurfaced Leo Baeck College Library, London 2025-03-20 by Valentina Kalanyos  2025-03-24 35961
1927 Das Land der Bibel  Unknown 0 Resurfaced Leo Baeck College Library, London 2025-03-20 by Valentina Kalanyos  2025-03-24 35958
1927 Das Land der Bibel Professor D. Dr. G. Hölscher and Professor Dr. P. Thomsen 0 Missing Leo Baeck College Library, London 2025-03-20 by In Progress 2025-03-24 35922
1929 Gedenkbuch für Moses Mendelssohn 1729-1929 Unknown 0 Resurfaced Unknown 2024-07-04 by Anonymous 2025-01-05 11991
1899 Jahres=Rechnung der Kranken-Verflegungs-Gesellschaft der Israelitischen Gemeinde zu Dresden Unknown 0 Resurfaced Leo Baeck College Library, London 2024-07-04 by Anonymous 2025-01-05 11989
1885 Die Allgemeine israelitische Allianz 1860-1885 Unknown 0 Resurfaced Leo Baeck College Library, London 2024-07-04 by Rachel Berkson 2025-01-05 11999
1937 Aus dem Berliner Juedischen Museum Philo-Verlag 0 Resurfaced Unknown 2024-07-05 by Anonymous 2025-01-05 12001
1919 Haushaltsetat der judischen geminde zu Berlin Unknown 0 Resurfaced Leo Baeck College Library, London 2024-07-04 by Anonymous 2025-01-05 11987
1808 Novum Testamentum Graeco-Latinum in Novum Testamentum Unknown 0 Resurfaced Leo Baeck College Library, London 2024-07-04 by Yael Tischler, Tim Motz 2025-01-05 11985
1895 Twenty-First Annual Report of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations Unknown 0 Resurfaced Leo Baeck College Library, London 2024-07-01 by Anonymous 2025-01-05 11773
1899 Twenty-Fifth Annual Report of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations Unknown 0 Resurfaced Leo Baeck College Library, London 2024-07-01 by Anonymous 2025-01-05 11771
1896 23rd Annual Report of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations Unknown 0 Resurfaced Unknown 2024-07-01 by Anonymous 2025-01-05 11772
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