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Hebrew learning among the puritans of New England prior to 1700

ID 18439
Autor / Editor Pool, David de Sola
Datum publikace 1911
Publikováno N/A
Současný vlastník Neznámý
Nalezeno -
Stav úprav In Progress
Naposledy upravil/a 2024-09-23
  • Ukázat mapu
    1. Published in 1911 in N/A

      Year 1911
      Location Vliegbasis Gilze-Rijen, Achterstraat, Hulten, Gilze en Rijen, Noord-Brabant, Nederland, 5125 ND, Nederland
      Category Publishing Place
      Owner NA
      Digitizer(s) NA
    2. Acquired by Pool, David De Sola in New York

      Year NA
      Location City of New York, New York, United States
      Category Pre-Place
      Owner NA
      Digitizer(s) NA
    3. Gifted by Pool, David De Sola to the Hochschule in 1911

      Year 1911
      Location City of New York, New York, United States
      Category Hochschule
      Owner Hochschule für die Wissenschaft des Judentums
      Digitizer(s) NA
    4. Abducted by Nazis in 1942

      Year 1942
      Location Berlin, Germany
      Category Crime Scene | Berlin
      Owner Deutsches Reich. Reichssicherheitshauptamt Bibliothek
      Digitizer(s) NA