An der Bahre eines Patriarchen-Paares Seligmann Reuss, Jette Reuss : am 2. Tage chol ha-moed des Passafestes (12. April 1895) [und] am Vorabend des Wochenfestes 5655 (28. Mai 1895)

ID | 29856 |
Autor / Editor | Neznámý |
Datum publikace | 1895 |
Publikováno | Neznámý |
Současný vlastník | The National Library of Israel (NLI) |
Nalezeno | - |
Stav úprav | Complete |
Naposledy upravil/a | 2024-09-29 |
Front cover(c) National Library of Israel, digitized by Google Books: page(c) National Library of Israel, digitized by Google Books: title(c) National Library of Israel, digitized by Google Books: 19 with NLI stamp(c) National Library of Israel, digitized by Google Books: flyleaf(c) National Library of Israel, digitized by Google Books: cover(c) National Library of Israel, digitized by Google Books:

An der Bahre eines Patriarchen-Paares Seligmann Reuss, Jette Reuss : am 2. Tage chol ha-moed des Passafestes (12. April 1895) [und] am Vorabend des Wochenfestes 5655 (28. Mai 1895)
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