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Répertoire des articles relatifs à l’histoire et à la littérature juive parus dans les Périodiques de 1783 à 1900 : supplément

ID 5868
Author / Editor Unknown
Publishing Year 1903
Published by Unknown
Today's Owner Israelitische Cultursgemeinde, Zürich
Found 2023-11-26
Editing Status In Progress
Last Edited 2023-12-18
  • Show Map
    1. Published in 1903 by Durlacher in Paris

      Year 1903
      Location Paris, Ile-de-France France
      Category Publishing Place
      Owner A. Durlacher
      Digitizer(s) NA
    2. Acquired by the Hochschule between 1903 and 1942

      Year 1903 - 1942
      Location Berlin, Germany
      Category Hochschule
      Owner Hochschule für die Wissenschaft des Judentums
      Digitizer(s) NA
    3. Abducted by Nazis in 1942

      Year 1942
      Location Berlin, Germany
      Category Crime Scene | Berlin
      Owner Deutsches Reich. Reichssicherheitshauptamt Bibliothek
      Digitizer(s) NA
    4. Salvaged after WWII

      Year 1945 ?
      Location Berlin, Germany
      Category Post-Place
      Owner NA
      Digitizer(s) NA
    5. Transferred to Israelitische Cultursgemeinde, Zürich

      Year NA
      Location Zurich Switzerland
      Category Today
      Owner Israelitische Cultursgemeinde, Zürich
      Digitizer(s) NA