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Programmentwurf nebst einleitender Begründung : als Grundlage zur Diskussion für die zweite Konferenz der Haager zionistischen Oppositionsgruppe

ID 5922
Author / Editor Unknown
Publishing Year 1923
Published by Unknown
Today's Owner Jüdisches Museum, Frankfurt am Main
Found 2023-11-26
Editing Status In Progress
Last Edited 2024-01-11
  • Show Map
    1. Published in 1923 by Zionistisches Comité in the Hague

      Year 1923
      Location The Hague, South Holland Netherlands
      Category Publishing Place
      Owner Zionistisches Comité
      Digitizer(s) NA
    2. Acquired by the Hochschule between 1923 and 1938

      Year 1923 - 1938
      Location Berlin, Germany
      Category Hochschule
      Owner Hochschule für die Wissenschaft des Judentums
      Digitizer(s) NA
    3. Abducted by Nazis in 1942

      Year 1942
      Location Berlin, Germany
      Category Crime Scene | Berlin
      Owner Deutsches Reich. Reichssicherheitshauptamt Bibliothek
      Digitizer(s) NA
    4. Salvaged after WWII

      Year 1945 ?
      Location Berlin, Germany
      Category Post-Place
      Owner NA
      Digitizer(s) NA
    5. Handed over to JCR for further redistribution

      Year NA
      Location NA
      Category Post-Place
      Owner Jewish Cultural Reconstruction (JCR)
      Digitizer(s) NA
    6. Transferred to the National Library of Israel

      Year NA
      Location Jerusalem, Jerusalem District Israel
      Category Post-Place
      Owner The National Library of Israel (NLI)
      Digitizer(s) NA
    7. Transferred to LBI Jerusalem

      Year NA
      Location Jerusalem, Jerusalem District Israel
      Category Post-Place
      Owner Leo Baeck Institute Jerusalem
      Digitizer(s) NA
    8. Acquired by Michael Krupp

      Year NA
      Location Jerusalem, Jerusalem District Israel
      Category Post-Place
      Owner Krupp, Michael
      Digitizer(s) NA
    9. Gifted by Michael Krupp to Jüdisches Museum Frankfurt

      Year 2019 ?
      Location Frankfurt, Hesse Germany
      Category Today
      Owner Jüdisches Museum, Frankfurt am Main
      Digitizer(s) NA