Event Category: Hochschule
Gifted by Wohlthat, W. to the Hochschule in 1901
Gifted by Wolbe, Eugen to the Hochschule in 1901
Gifted by Wohltätigkeitsverein der Synagogengemeinde Hannover to the Hochschule in 1912
Gifted by Wohltätige Gesellschaft zu Königsberg in Preussen to the Hochschule in 1909
Gifted by Wohlgemuth, Joseph to the Hochschule in 1900
Gifted by Wohlgemuth, Joseph to the Hochschule in 1903
Gifted by Wohlgemuth, Joseph to the Hochschule in 1907
Gifted by Winter, Moritz to the Hochschule in 1910
Gifted by Wohlgemuth, Joseph to the Hochschule in 1902
Gifted by Winter, Jakob to the Hochschule in 1886
Gifted by Winkler, Alexander to the Hochschule in 1894
Gifted by Wilinski, M. to the Hochschule in 1902
Gifted by Wilinski, M. to the Hochschule in 1901
Gifted by Wife of professor Marelle to the Hochschule in 1904
Gifted by Wife of Geheimrat Gumbinner to the Hochschule in 1888