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Featured Title Author / Editor Published By Event(s) State Today’s Owner Signature Editing State
17499 The Place of the Word-Accent in Hebrew Margolis, Max Leopold 1911 Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis 4 Missing Unknown Unknown In Progress 2024-09-23
17497 The Elephantine documents Margolis, Max Leopold 1912 Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning 4 Missing Unknown Unknown In Progress 2024-09-23
17493 The Pronunciation of the שְׁוָא according to New Hexaplaric Material Margolis, Max Leopold 1909 University of Chicago Press 4 Missing Unknown Unknown In Progress 2024-09-23
17489 The theological aspect of reformed Judaism Margolis, Max Leopold 1904 Friedenwald Company 4 Missing Unknown Unknown In Progress 2024-09-23
17482 Commentarius Isaacidis quatenus ad textum Talmudis investigandum adhiberi possit, tractatu ‘Erubhin ostenditur : dissertatio inauguralis Margolis, Max Leopold 1891 N/A 4 Missing Unknown Unknown In Progress 2024-09-23
17486 The Columbia College MS. of Meghilla, Babylonian Talmud Margolis, Max Leopold 1892 A. Ginsberg 4 Missing Unknown Unknown In Progress 2024-09-23
17478 Die moderne Entwickelungstheorie in der jüdischen Wissenschaft Marcus, Ahron 1907 Marcus 4 Missing Unknown Unknown In Progress 2024-09-23
17471 Moses Mendelssohn eine Auswahl aus seinen Schriften u. Briefen Mendelssohn, Moses 1912 J. Kauffmann 4 Missing Unknown Unknown In Progress 2024-09-23
17474 Chazarii : conferința ținută la Barascheum Marcus, Saniel 1879 Thiel &Weiss 4 Missing Unknown Unknown In Progress 2024-09-23
17469 A Talmudic problem and proposed solutions Malter, Henry 1911 Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning 4 Missing Unknown Unknown In Progress 2024-09-23
17470 Personification of soul and body Malter, Henry 1912 Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning 4 Missing Unknown Unknown In Progress 2024-09-23
17467 Schem Tob ben Joseph Palquera : A Thinker and Poet of the Thirteenth Century Malter, Henry 1910 Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning 4 Missing Unknown Unknown In Progress 2024-09-23
17464 Shem Tob Ben Joseph Palquera II: His Treatise of the DreamThe Jewish Quarterly Review, 1 Malter, Henry 1911 Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning 4 Missing Unknown Unknown In Progress 2024-09-23
17460 Die Abhandlung des Abû Hâmid al-Ġazzâli : Antworten auf Fragen, die an ihn gerichtet wurden : nach mehreren Handschriften edirt, mit Einleitung Uebersetzung Malter, Henry 1896 J. Kauffmann 4 Missing Unknown Unknown In Progress 2024-09-23
17452 Josephus und Justus von Tiberias : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des jüdischen Aufstandes Luther, Heinrich 1910 Wischan & Burkhardt 4 Missing Unknown Unknown In Progress 2024-09-23
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