Le Lamentazioni del Profeta Geremia : Tradotte e commentate, con uno studio sulla poesia elegEica nell ‘antico Oriente.
ID | 19514 |
Author / Editor | Unknown |
Publishing Year | 1897 |
Published by | Unknown |
Today's Owner | Unknown |
Found | - |
Editing Status | In Progress |
Last Edited | 2024-09-23 |
Published in 1897 by Desclee in Rome
Year 1897 Location Roma, Roma Capitale, Lazio, Italia Category Publishing Place Owner NA Source(s) Digitizer(s) NA -
Acquired by Strack, Hermann Leberecht
Year NA Location NA Category Pre-Place Owner Strack, Hermann Leberecht Source(s) Digitizer(s) NA -
Gifted by Strack, Hermann Leberecht to the Hochschule in 1912
Year 1881 Location NA Category Hochschule Owner Hochschule für die Wissenschaft des Judentums Source(s) Digitizer(s) NA -
Abducted by Nazis in 1942
Year 1942 Location Berlin, Germany Category Crime Scene | Berlin Owner Deutsches Reich. Reichssicherheitshauptamt Bibliothek Source(s) Digitizer(s) NA
Le Lamentazioni del Profeta Geremia : Tradotte e commentate, con uno studio sulla poesia elegEica nell ‘antico Oriente.
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